OK, here we go. Just a brief overview of the rules. We'll let our guest do a brief intro then open the floor to Q&A. When I ask for you to raise your hand, (NOT NOW!!) use the command /RAI to get a place in line remember that the line is likely to be very long, so be patient. Here we go!
Our guest tonight is Wayne Holder, president of FTL Games.
FTL's most recent products are Dungeonmaster and Oids their previous ST game was Sundog....
Wayne, can you tell us a little about yourself and about FTL?
Hello everyone...
I have Andy Jaros the Graphic Designer for Dungeon Master with me...
and also Dan Hewitt the designer of OIDS. When we get started we'd
love to answer any questions you may have. Also, let me thank everyon in advance for the wonderful support you've given OIDS and Dungeon Master.
Back to you Neil
<[Neil] NHARRIS> OK, since we have a HUGE crowd tonight, let's go right to the questions. Use /RAI to get in line.
<[Rich] STX-PRESS> Thank you Neil. I would like to announce to everyone that our next issue will be having a special Dungeon Master
feature and will include an Interview with Wayne Holder and Andy
Jaros at FTL as well as a Beta Tester's Look at it, end user's
viewpoints, and a comprehensive review. Also a huge music and graphic
slide show on disk with maps, hints, etc. This issue will go on
sale tommorrow and should be at local dealers in a matter of
days. Thanks go to all the FTL folks. Ask your dealer or contact
us for a copy.
Back to you Neil....
<[Neil] NHARRIS> Thanks Rich, and email your check for the commercial to Darlah.
J.M.MESA> I like many other here tonight have finished DM...
and are experiencing withdrawal symptoms... When can we reasonably
expect either a sequel or another game using the same system? GA
<FTL> Well, we just recently announced that we will release in March an expansion disk that will work with your Dungeon Master disk we'd like to keep a few secrets...GA
<[MARK] MFARRAR> I have two questions. First I'd like to know what language you use for development.
and a brief description of the development process for new
<FTL> We developed Dungeon Master and OIDS in Megamax C. However, much of the graphic code is done in assembly. Megamax C is nice because the PC relative code is small and the in-line assembly makes inserting special code easy. However, we have also developed an
extensive game development system which lets us build new games without programming, but we're keeping details of this secret...GA
<[Bill] W.SCHOONMAKE> Well, I have 2 questions for you this evening...
The first is about Sundog, I love this game and think is
was done very well for the ST, are there a set number of
cryogens in the game?question number 2, will FTL ever consider
doing business software for the ST? GA
<FTL> Yes, there are a set number of Cryogens but at the start of the game they are distributed randomly, except one Cryogen is always on the last system you will be able to reach. Well FTL already does business software under the banner of our Parent company Software Heaven, Inc. We provide OEM programs to other vendors to distribute. However, we reserve the FTL name for games...GA
<[Neil] NHARRIS> How is your company set up? Are you the president of Software Heaven also?
<FTL> We are incorporated in Calif as Software Heaven, Inc. and do business as FTL games. We used to be incorporated as FTL Games, Inc. but
reorganized for reasons that are too tedious to describe. I am president (Wayne Holder) Russ Boelhauf is our marketing director, Doug Bell is our technical director, Andy Jaros is our Art Director, and there others too numerous to mention... GA]
<[ONE-THUMB] J.JAVIER1> How many copies of DM have you sold and if I could make a suggestion please use the keyboard cammands
more often in the upcoming games...
<FTL> Well, we don't release sales figures, but I can tell you that as of two months into sales for DM we have sold twice as many as we sold SunDogs for the comparable intro period. On your second comment, please send us a detailed letter describing how you'd like to see DM improved in the future. We love to get user comments because it helps us to review these suggestions before starting new games...GA
<[BOB] R.ROSENDALE1> Our ST GRoup ST-JAUG has grown basically do to DM..They meet now weekly with a DM SIG for people with the same levels.,,how is the newsletter comming? GA
<FTL> We will release a DM hint book in March written by Tracy Hickman and the release will coincide with our next newsletter. Is that what you meant?
<[BOB] R.ROSENDALE1> Yes, thanks.
<R.MIRSBERGER> i must be stupid, what is oids? and how can i get it . it is not at my local store and i don't see it advertised.
<FTL> OIDS is what we recommend for DM withdrawal symptoms. It's our first arcade game. It comes complete with A Construction Set that lets you build your own games and trade em with your friends. OIDS is a fast paced game that we feel combines the best features of many other arcade games. We will release a full OIDS demo in the next few days so watch the DLs for this one. If you have trouble locating OIDS, call us at
(619)453-5711 and prehaps we can locate a stocking dealer for you...GA
<[Neil] NHARRIS> (we call them SL's here on GEnie, Wayne <grin>
<JOHN-CARTER> my qeus was answ
Evening all
<[Neil] NHARRIS> wrong #, sorry
<CAPT.COOK> OK, as I understand it, the future will bring us more games from FTL using the same basic system as DM, but, are you going
to stick to the fantasy genre? I'd love to see a sort of DM
set in space. ga
<FTL> The idea behind DM was to create a way of building games that lets us recover the work we've already done when create new games. When we created SunDog, for example, all we had left afterward was a lot of specific code for this one game. In DM we created a system for making games and then created DM.. Thus we have a head start for any new games. They can be any type of game we choose. We are planning many different scenarios from Science Fiction to Horror.. Of course, because of
development schedules, I can't say exactly what you'll see next. It depends on what we think people want to see next...Everyone...send us your requests..GA
<V.BUI> one suggestion on your future packaging, I think that you should make more either way i loved both games.
<FTL> Thank you for your suggestion. We are getting better at planning our packages. Of course, its difficult to boil down a game as big as DM onto the back of a box. What specifically did you not
<V.BUI> its just that the boxes didn't give the feel of the game when
I went to purchase DM and Oids the boxes didn't really tell me what I
was getting. Also accurate Graphics on the Dm box would greatly
improve it. the different graphics made me wonder if I was getting
two different products... Ga
<FTL> Thank you. On the DM box we printed the first run of the box beforethe game was done and then changed the game. The recent versions we have shipped have a new box back...GA
<[Damon] D.GINBEY> Are you marketing your games overseas? GA
<FTL> Yes, DM and OIDS are marketed by Mirrorsoft in London and distributed in France and Germany. In fact, we are just finishing a French and German version of DM...GA
<W.WAKEFIELD> I hI have two questions, first are the last two levels smaller than the 32 by 32 grid used on the upper levels and after careful study I have not discovered any spells that use the GOR symbol. Why? ga
<FTL> Well, I hate to say too much here in open session. Send us elec mail and I'd be glad to comment further. On the spell, GOR is not used
currently, but is reserved for future scenarios...GA
<[Phil] P.KESTELL> Earlier you mentioned that Tracy Hickman was doing your hint book is this the same Tracy responsible for the Dragonlance
stuff? if so is there any plan to move in that direction? also when might we see some of the oids contest winners?
<FTL> Yes, the very same. Tracy was one of our DM Beta testers and has helped us greatly. I'd also like to give a quick plug for his new series from Bantam books called the "Dark Sword" Trilogy. The hint book is about 60 pages of in-depth DM strategy and hints...GA
Also, We expect to announce the first OIDS contest winners soon. We've had many very good submissions. Remember, $100 given away every month!!!
<[Brian] B.S.OPLINGER> Two questions One .. Why is there no support for us monochrome users? Oids or even DM could have been done in mono without a loss of playability. Are you really going to return a disk
full of submissions on ever disk submmitted like your flyer says? GA
<FTL> We didn't have room for the duplicate graphics and code that mono support would require, sorry! However, I understand that E. Brown Co. now has a cable that will hook a nonRF ST to a composite color monitor. Prehaps you could connect your ST to a TV or color composite monitor?
<[Brian] B.S.OPLINGER> AS a person who does just that, let me say is is a poor second to a color monitor.
<FTL> Also, we expect to have a winner every month and every person who submits an entry will receive the complete set of winners on disk at the close of the contest. Could you repeat that last again?
<[Brian] B.S.OPLINGER> Sorry, the suggestion of a composite monitor just don't cut it. Picture is much worse that the ST monitor. I do
understand about space on disk etc. but just feel a need to bitch anyway. DOne GA
<FTL> I sympathize. We spent considerable time trying to suppport
mono but had to give up...GA
<FRANK> My coworkers have begged me to ask you whether you have
any plans to release DM for the PC and compatibles. GA
<FTL> We are considering support for many new machines. The older IBMs just don't have the horsepower we need. Perhaps soon...GA
<[Marc Ingle] J.ZUKOWSKI> A couple of weeks ago here on the ST Round table someone was complaining about programming bugs in Dungeon Master. Are you aware of any bugs?...
If so, what are they, and how can they be avoided?
<FTL> The first release of DM had several bugs which we have corrected Version 1.1 which is availble as a free update if you return you disk and include return postage. Call (619)453-5711 for details. Also, I believe we have a notice posted in the SLs here about the current bug status. All the bugs we've fixed however, occur only in the last phases of the game and if you get the update from us before you encounter Lord Chaos, you can continue your from your saved game with no problems...GA
<[Neil] NHARRIS> How can you tell which version you have?
<FTL> The notice gives more details, but when you save or restore your
game the program displays a menu box. The upper right corner shows the version number (no number means version the first release.) GA
<J.DESIMONE> Thank you and aloha from hawaii.....
Is ther a sequel planned??????? We are never happy with what we have...
<FTL> Yes, and many other new games. If you missed it earlier we will be releasing a mini-sequel soon which is a complete new mini DM adventure that you can load as a saved game but acts like a new game. (a hidden feature of DM) watch this space for details...GA
<[Neil] NHARRIS> OK Wayne, since the line is empty it's my turn (and people can use /RAI to get in line to talk)... I just wanted to send a pat on the back to your graphics person. The graphics in DM are stupendous! Best I've seen on the ST. Are there more than 16 colors on the screen? How were they created?
<FTL> Andy Jaros (sitting here) thanks you. Yes the screen shows more than 16 colors. We use special interupt code and a few other tricks...GA
<[Marc] M.HAND> Two questions.....
1) What are the names of the stranger creatures in DM...
the low to the ground things with green tentacles (on the Rat
Level, the "Rock Squids" and the "Blue Meanies", as they've
been called up here....
2) A vote for a Space (Star Trek-ish) scenario and a Jungle
Acenario for you next games......GA
<FTL> Well you can call them anything you like, but we get asked this a lot so...here are our names (you get to figure out what is what)...
There are Giant Scorpions, Swamp Slime creatures, running gigglers...
wizard's eyes, Pain Rats, Rusters, Screamers, Rock Piles, Ghosts...
Stone Golems, mummies, Black Flames, Skeletons, Couatls, Vexirks
Materializers (balls with tentacles), Water Elementals, Oitus
Demons, The Red Dragon, and Lord Chaos. Got it? GA
<[ONE-THUMB] J.JAVIER1> can we get the bug free version by
sending in $10 for a backup..i'd hate the thought of not having dm to play...
<FTL> Yes, we always send the very latest version whenever we send out a backup disk. Also, we are fast at issuing backups. The only exception is we sometimes hold backup orders a few days if we know a new release is iminent...GA
<[Larry] L.GANZ> Hi. I just had 2 questions...
1. DM is too hard for me, will there be a toned down
2. Will there be a hard disk version?
<FTL> Well the hint book may be able help you get started. If you can build your characters up a bit the game becomes easier. If you like, you can call us at (619) 453-5711. We're glad to give phone hints. We may do easier version in the future. On the Hard disk, we can't really use a hard disk.
On a 1040 or Mega we load everything to memory and on a 520 the lack of memory is what slows the game down, not teh lack of a hard disk...GA
<D.HADLAND> This question is for all software developers. Why isn't the version # put outside of the boxes or is that a marketing no no. ga
<FTL> Its just to difficult for us to coordinate the disk duplication with the packaging. Also, it is a marketing no no.
<[Marc Ingle] J.ZUKOWSKI> With 512, 1024, and 4096 colors now possible on the
ST. Do you see any new ...
games that will use these extra colors?
<FTL> Well, it's possible but using these colors sucks up almost all the
processor time. But, who knows...GA
<A.MILLS> WellI`m kind of new at this...But I would like to make a few comments
First i hate to see a game with things like , commadore graphics
shown...and also is there really an auto_slew in Sundog?
If so where ?? GA
<FTL> Well most people have criticized us because our game box graphics are LESS real looking than the real game. The Apple II version of SunDog had a component called an autoslew and certain (unauthorized) hints books mention this device, but it was removed from the Atari ST version of SunDog...GA
<JM.YANG> Ok, can you dOk, can you give us a sneak preview of the up coming mini-adventure. Depth of the dungeon, number of monsters, theme, etc...GA
<FTL> I could, but I'd rather it be a suprise.
<FTL> ga
<[Neil] NHARRIS> hehe
<FTL> Thank you, Dan Hewitt (creator of OIDS) Thanks you. Thank you all!!!!
<GED> Do you have any plans do any real time 3d game systems that...
will allow two players to comete via modem? ga
<FTL> My lips are sealed! GA
<[Marc] M.HAND> There are many items in DM that don't seem to do too
much are the details/uses of things covered in the Hint Book ??
<FTL> Many items have secret and hard to discover uses. Of course, there are also many red herrings too. Did you know the Gem of Ages increases your healing ability. Also, the rabbits foot increases your luck. You have to be very observant to figure out the effects. We didn't want all DMs secrets to be easy to figure out...GA
<W.WAKEFIELD> have the same screen layout or does your system allow for flexibility in the way the game is presented...ga
<FTL> We can change the screen layout easily, but we're trying to develop a standard type interface so new games will be easier to get into.. Sort of the same rationale behind the Desktop design... GA
<J.M.MESA> Just a few comments...
First, why don't we see DM advertised in magazines such as Computer
Gaming? Also I must congratulate Mr. Jaros for his amazing artistry!
<FTL> We'd like to advertise everywhere, but it takes time to put together an effective ad campaign. Many people don't realize the cost and time it takes to just DESIGN an effective ad. We are trying to get better here.
Also, Andy Jaros says thanks!
<[Neil] NHARRIS> Well folks, it's almost 9 PM here in warm California
and this has been a great conference! Thanks to the FTL
folks...for participating as well as for their great products...
thanks also to all of you for attending tonight...
Now I am going to throw the magic switch and let everyone
talk...Feel free to stay around and discuss anything you like...
Any last words for us, FTL?
<FTL> Yes, thank you Neil for inviting us and thank everyone else for
attending. We will stick around here for a short while to help anyone
who didn't get a chance to ask a question. Thanks again...GA
<[Neil] NHARRIS> Great. Let's do this again before long, shall we? Here goes...
Room is now in the talk mode.
Chaos mode on!
<[Damon] D.GINBEY> Thanks FASTER THAN LIGHT for the great software!!!!!!!!!!!
<J.M.MESA> Keep up the great work FTL!!!! So long everyone